Friday, May 22, 2009

Bantay Bayan undergoes Seminar on RA 9165

22nd of May, Brgy. Singkamas Multi-Purpose hall. Bantay Bayan Personnel were oriented on RA 9165 also known as Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002, through the Makati Anti-Drug Abuse Council (MADAC).
Information about illegal drugs and their effect, and the correct procedures on how to apprehend Drug users and Pushers were explained.


In order to obtain understanding between the parents in taking care of their children, they must first learn how to do things correctly. And there's no better teacher, with regards to issues on health, than the personnel of Barangay Health Center as they tirelessly explain the methods to each and every couple who are fortunate to be there.

Truly with learning comes understanding.


Singkamas meets the Stars!

Happiness from Barangay Day

One word to describe the feeling of festivities throughout the Barangay that happened last May 17th. Everywhere you go it's just like christmas, only without gift-giving (not that we know of...), the feelings that we will truly cherished until the next year.

ERPAT Videoke King

Singing is a part of Filipino Heritage. From kundiman, to Rock en Roll, to Rap music to the never-fading pop music, you can still hear it everywhere, not from the radio but from the vocal-less music hailing from: Videoke.
As the ERPAT of Singkamas proves once more that the fathers of Singkamas can sing, through tough times and especially good times, what more can the patriarch of Singkamas do is just pick up the microphone and let their vocal prowess do the job.